internal and external factors affecting educational achievement essay
Schooling also reinforces gender identity through the curriculum and interaction between pupils and teachers. According to Social Trends (2008) the number of men and women in paid work is now virtually the same.

The motivation theory is concerned, Factors That Affect Student Motivation Essay. Factors inside school also play an important role in explaining the gender differences in achievement. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service.

This sets an example to a young girl. The main comparison sociologists make is between working class and middle class pupils by using parental occupation to determine a pupil’s social class. Bourdieu (1984) argues that it is a mixture of both cultural and material factors which link to educational achievement. According to Patrick, Hisley, and Kempler, the “… results clearly demonstrate that a lesson that is given in a high-energy, dynamic fashion suggestive of enthusiasm leads students to experience greater interest in and enjoyment of the material and higher levels of energy and vigor” (p.226). For example, material or cultural deprivation can lead to underachievement. There are three external factors which affect education; cultural deprivation, material deprivation and cultural capital. factors outside the education system, and internal factors i.e. Two kinds of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic, are the primary influences on how students behave in school. But, there are many high school graduate student took this course because there is the opportunity for them to have a good job after they graduated.

Since girls academically achieve better in school, marketisation policies have constructed girls into desirable recruits. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Factors which cause differing attainment levels of children can be grouped into ‘internal’ and ‘external’ factors.

The teacher’s enthusiasm may lead to more highly motivated students, but the energy presented by a group of inspired students also encourages the teacher. Poor housing conditions can also affect pupils achievement, overcrowding in the home can make it difficult for a child to study, families living in temporary accommodation can disrupt a child’s education when moving around a lot and poor housing could affect a child’s health which would then lead to a decrease in attendance. However according to some sociologists many working class families fail to socialise their children consequently leaving them ‘culturally deprived’. It is argued that many working class homes lack things which stimulates a child’s intellect i.e. Covering Nature Vs Nurture, socialisation, material deprivation, parent’s attitude, language, job market and education policies.

In contrast with this, girls tend to have a ‘bedroom culture’ which involves staying in with friends and talking amongst each other.

Not only do individuals possess motivation, they also have a desire to learn, but this can only be accomplished if an individual applies themselves, CHAPTER I

Not only can gender and age differences affect motivation, but the student 's self-efficacy and level of goal setting also affect the student 's motivation.

The external factors happen outside of the education system and focus on the influences in the home and the family background as well as the wider society.

This is when GCSE’s and coursework was introduced in schools. This post aims to outline some of the factors which might explain why girls outperform boys in education, focusing on factors external to the school such as changes in gender roles, the impact of feminism and women’s empowerment.

These internal factors, which come from inside the school, include labelling, the self-fulfilling prophecy and pupil subcultures. It has largely been argued that wealthier parents can afford to send their children to private schools, which may provide a better education consequently leading to higher attainment levels. A study carried out by Howard Becker (1971) investigated labelling. The restricted code is context-bound meaning that the speaker assumes the listener shares the same set of experiences. Also ‘laddish’ subcultures can contribute to boys’ under-achievement. Thus, forming an anti-school subculture. This study showed that children from middle class backgrounds fit the image of a ‘perfect pupil’ more so than a working class child.

Gewirtz (1995) investigated how cultural capital can lead to differences in educational achievement. Pupils who are placed in higher streams tend to have a consistent positive attitude towards education, hence keeping to the positive pole. In recent years there has been a vast difference in gender achievement; girls have largely overtaken boys. He found that working class pupils scored lower on tests of ability in comparison with middle class pupils. books, toys and activities. Cultural capital refers to the knowledge, attitudes and values of the middle class, he sees middle class culture as capital as it gives an advantage to those who pass it, just like its wealth. The authors also acknowledge that motivation is reciprocal. Douglas (1998) argues that working class families placed less value on education.

A study carried out by Douglas (1964) supports this.

Several solutions have been offered in order to improve the quality of instruction. This diversity has created new opportunities for schools and teachers to differentiate between pupils based on class differences. Factors Affecting the Academic Achievement of Freshmen College Students in Science at Universidad de Manila 5828 Words | 24 Pages. Internal factors which affect boys’ achievement in school could be put down to the shortage of male primary school teachers. Created: Apr 15, 2018| Updated: Sep 15, 2019. Data taken from the national literacy trust website shows that in 1975, girls on average were achieving 2% higher than boys. Also they are generally less ambitious for their children. In schools, children are labelled heavily when they are divided into ability based groups. Introduction As the teacher motivation is a crucial factor which influences student’ learning, I wanted to give my attention towards “ESL Teacher Motivation in Sri Lankan Schools.” The research question of my study is: What elements of motivation and de-motivation are reflected in.

This decreasing lack of strong role models results in boy’s insufficient effort in their school life. Again, falsely they told the school that pupils in this 20% were ‘spurters’. CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Achievement of students in schools has been the concern of school authorities. It has a limited vocabulary and is based on the use of short, unfinished, grammatically simple sentences. Boys spend a lot of free time playing on games consoles and football etc, thus doing little to develop their language and communication skills. Square The health of the learner will likely affect his ability to learn and his power to concentrate. There are three main questions that arise about gender differences in education; why do girls achieve higher than boys? External being boys having poorer literacy skills and the decline of traditional male jobs, and internal being the feminine aspect of education, the shortage of male primary school teachers ad ‘laddish’ subcultures.


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