my own words book club questions
When Marty graduated in 1958, Ruth still had her last year of law school before her. And from RBG’s Preface to “My Own Words”: “I have had more than a little bit of luck in life, but nothing equals in magnitude my marriage to Martin D. Ginsburg. Her mother, Celia, lit candles every Friday night, and at Hanukkah all the grandchildren gathered to receive one silver dollar each as Hanukkah “gelt” from their grandfather. How did the "roles" of the various characters influence their interactions? Ruth and her parents regularly joined the annual gathering of aunts and uncles and cousins for the Seders held by her paternal grandparents on the first and second nights of Passover. On Tuesday, the justices heard oral argument in Jones v. Mississippi and Borden v. United States. Do you believe the topic was covered adequately in the book? This movie is... Intimate, Emotional. More Details. Learn how your comment data is processed.

The case involved sections of the Social Security Act that provided benefits to both widows and widowers of wage-earning spouses who had paid into Social Security during their working lives – but it provided those benefits on very different terms.

Despite their ideological differences, they forged a solid friendship that lasted decades. All rights reserved. Against that backdrop, I was reminded of a Los Angeles Times op-ed Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the School of Law at the University of California, Irvine, wrote in 2014. If not, what do you wish had been explained more? Do you feel they were adequately explored? Works for any book & includes a free printable guide. Want to see these questions in action, and join a fun monthly online book club (no awkward silences, promise!)? Why? .

Let us know your ideas.

Oral argument, she has said, is “an occasion not for grand speechmaking, but for a conversation about the case, a dialogue or discussion between knowledgeable counsel and judges who have done their homework.” She proceeded accordingly. 50 Great Book Club Questions for a Meaningful Discussion.

My current book club group is much more casual, but perhaps too much so. You might be surprised to hear how inspired, empowered, enraged, or even educated your friends are from a single reading experience. I like the idea of generic questions that can be used with all books and seem to get the conversation going. What is motivating the actions of the characters in the story? If so, what? Use this question to explore what made the setting of your reading selection so important, and how it affected the events of the story. Ron Collins,

Question: In the conclusion to your book, you discuss Ginsburg’s various statements about when she might retire from the court: (i) “she wanted to match the record of Justice Brandeis” (23 years on the bench, a mark she attained this year), (ii) “she would not leave the Court until the National Gallery returned the Josef Albers painting it had borrowed from her to take on tour” (it has been returned), and (iii) she has said that the test “‘has to be, am I equipped to do the job’” and that she will stay on “‘as long as I can do the job full steam.’” The justice was born in 1933, which means she will be 87 by the time Donald Trump completes his first term in office. Her fondest memories were those Seders when she got to ask the traditional Seder questions, beginning with ‘Why is this night different from all other nights?” “That,” Ruth later remembered, “was always the best part of the Seder for me, that the youngest child, which I was for a time, got to ask the questions and then the whole rest of the evening was providing answers.” (This may have been the first sign of Ruth’s future role as one of the most active and precise questioners on the United States Supreme Court Bench.). She turned 81 on Saturday and by all accounts she is healthy and physically and mentally able to continue.

Did your opinion of the book change as you read it?

In the end, four justices, in an opinion by Justice Brennan, endorsed RBG’s position that the statute was indeed, as she labeled it, a “double edged sword,” discriminating against both a deceased wage-earning woman such as Mrs. Goldfarb and against Mr. Goldfarb, who, but for his male sex, would be entitled to benefits earned by his wage-earner wife.


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